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【Event report】The 3rd "Pre-College for International Students 2017: 'Why were The Beatles so popular?'"

At SHOBI, we are holding the event “Pre-College for International Students 2017”.

In this college prep class, prospective international students receive a Japanese language class focusing on words relating to music and the music business, followed by a lesson by one of SHOBI’s teachers.


On the 18th November, we held the third “Pre-College for International Students 2017”. The head of the Jazz & Popular department, Mr. Masakazu Takano, was the main lecturer. The following is our report on the day.


The theme of the day was the question “Why were The Beatles so popular?” Without a doubt, they are the one band who is the most representative of the 20th century, and a band beloved by Mr. Takano. He had much to say on The Beatles’ mass appeal, and taught us for as long as time allowed.


















While playing us many of the band’s recordings and videos, accompanied by his explanatory piano and keyboard performances, Mr. Takano analyzed the power of The Beatles, based on their own sound, and music theory. In addition, he explored the band’s social and political context. He also shared various episodes and anecdotes from the band’s history, which made for a very enthusiastic and fun lesson!

The students attending listened intently to the music of the Beatles and the teacher’s explanations. Gaining a closer understanding of the band’s appeal, which immensely impacted today’s music, they truly grasped the world-wide fascination which is firmly rooted despite the band having disbanded 47 years ago.


















We love music! In this lesson we were truly inspired by the greatness of The Beatles.


For the schedule and themes of “Pre-College for International Students 2017”, or for more information on how to apply, please click here.



※Mr. Kishi of the SHOBI International Exchange Centre is also a Japanese teacher and will explain beforehand the words that will be used in the lecture. So don’t worry - even if you are unsure about your Japanese language ability, please join!


There are no fees whatsoever for this fun lesson, so feel free to apply.♪



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